What do smoky brown cockroaches look like?
A cousin of the American cockroach, the smoky brown cockroach resembles it in size, shape and their deep mahogany coloring. The adults measure at 1 ¼ inch and both sexes have a full set of wings that extend past the abdomen. In warm weather, they are able to fly short distances fairly easily. During evening hours, they are likely to gravitate toward light.
What is the smoky brown cockroaches habit and what do they eat?
This cockroach is prominent in the southern gulf coast states like California, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi, including along the Mississippi River. In nature, the smoky brown cockroach will most likely be found under mulch and rocks, under debris or in sewer systems. While a cockroach is a cockroach and being sanitary is not on the list for them, this cockroach highly prefers to eat plant matter to soap scum given the chance, which is why you’re likely to find them in gardens, nurseries and greenhouses. Still scavengers at heart, they will eat just about anything to survive including your crumbs, pet food, feces, etc. Water is crucial for this particular species, and will not live without water for more than two or three days.
Are smoky brown cockroaches harmful?
They have been found to carry the pathogens that cause tuberculosis, cholera, leprosy, dysentery, and typhoid disease. They also carry and spread harmful bacteria and protozoa that cause diarrhea and gastroenteritis. More mild health concerns are allergies and triggering an asthmatic reaction, especially in children as they are more sensitive to these insects.
Different species of cockroaches respond to different extermination tactics, and a tactic used for one species will not be effective on another. This means you need proper identification of the cockroach, which can be difficult to those not familiar with these insects and you will most likely go through a few methods before being successful or just giving up. Oneway Pest Control will properly identify and remove cockroaches from your home without a trial and error basis.