What are silverfish?
They are little, gray insects that feed off of carbohydrates like starches and sugars. We tend to find them in dark, damp places such as near water sources in the bathroom, but silverfish are also attracted to paper, wallpaper paste and glues. This is why sometimes when opening a book, a silverfish might scurry out. Other places they might squeeze into include under drawer protective sheets, between the wall and wallpaper, or inside a framed print.

Is there a way to prevent silverfish from entering my home?
First step is to thoroughly clean your house. Adamantly cleaning up any food or drink left in the open is important because silverfish can be lured inside by just one sugary snack on the counter or a few small crumbs. Standing spilled liquid and leaky pipes can also attract silverfish. Once in your home, they track down starches and sugars which keep them happy.

Are Silverfish harmful?
These insects will do no harm to you or your animals; it’s usually the gross-out factor that drives people to feel the need to remove them. They can do damage by eating the glue on your wallpaper, causing it to detach from the wall or eating the binding in books, causing them to fall apart. Remove them from your home today; call One Way Pest Control!

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