Where do Brown Recluse live?
You are likely to find a brown recluse hiding under a rock or inside a hole in a tree. In the fall season when insects try to find a warmer habitat, these spiders might invade your home and find a quiet, dark place to survive the winter. Brown recluse spiders will not attack you just for the sake of it, they will only bite if feeling threatened. Using caution when putting on clothes (shake them out, and check inside shoes) can save you from being bitten. Also, looking before touching is a good rule of thumb when it comes to a dimly lit/dark area or wearing gloves if you need to move rocks outside. Keeping your bed sheets from touching the floor is also a good habit, or checking in your sheets before crawling into bed. These steps will help, as these are the most common times people are bitten by spiders.
What happens if a Brown Recluse bites me?
The good news is that half of these bites are without venom and pose no threat, but the other half will inject you with poisonous venom. Either way, you should immediately see a doctor. While sometimes a brown recluse spider bite itself is not felt at the time, there are early signs of a spider bite which include flu-like symptoms and redness around the bite, which can look like ringworm. For a poisonous bite, the first few hours consist of swelling and moderate to intense pain, when skin gradually turns red. In a matter of 24 hours, the area will turn purple, this is the time “livedoid plaque” appears. In extreme circumstances of an unattended bite, you might be facing necessary procedures such as skin grafting, amputation or bone marrow failure.
If you come across a brown recluse in or around your home, call One Way Pest Control and we will be there as soon as possible to keep your family and pets safe.