One Way Pest Control


Termites are highly social insects that live in large colonies where populations can reach more than one million. A colony consists of several structurally differentiated forms living together as castes (including reproductives, soldiers, and workers) with different functions in community life.

In the spring, winged reproductives leave the parental nest in swarms to create a new colony. The swarming lasts less than an hour, so it’s very likely you’ll never even see it. The winged reproductives themselves look quite a bit like flying ants, for which they are often mistaken.
In nature termites are beneficial because they break down dead trees (cellulose) and recycle it into the soil.

Termites are very destructive, and cost the United States over two billion in damage each year.


Soil Barrier Treatment
Soil barrier treatment consist of trenching and rodding using a termiticide around your home with a continuous barrier.
Pre Construction Treatment

We use a liquid termiticide application on the pads, beams and plumbing penetrations before plastic and cement is poured.

Optional Interior Treatment

We can also treat your plumbing areas such as, drainage areas, and bath trap by creating and access panel. We offer the “Halo detection system” on all homes that have signed up for the pest preventive service

New Generation Termiticide

New generation termiticides have been the most effective in controlling subterranean termites because the subterranean termites can not detected them.

  1. Termidor “Transfer Effect”
    Whenever a termite ingests or touches Termidor, it can become a “carrier,” transferring Termidor to other termites it contacts. These termites, in turn, can become secondary carriers, behaving normally while they transfer Termidor to other termites they contact—and so on within the colony.Because Termidor is slow-acting, it gives individual termites ample time to transfer it to others in the population. This unique, spiraling process is called the “Transfer Effect,” and its devastating results maximize the protection of your structure.
  2. Imidacloprid (Premise)
    Imidacloprid is designed to be effective by contact or ingestion. It is a systemic insecticide that translocates rapidly through plant tissues following application.Imidacloprid acts on several types of post-synaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system. In insects, these receptors are located only within the central nervous system. Following binding to the nicotinic receptor, nerve impulses are spontaneously discharged at first, followed by failure of the neuron to propagate any signal. Sustained activation of the receptor results from the inability of acetylcholinesterases to break down the pesticide. This binding process is irreversible.
Baiting systems
Baiting systems are a good tool to have but the downside is they are spaced out around your home every 10+ feet, which never creates a continuous barrier so termites can easy feed on your home and less likely to “hit” the baiting system

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