One Way Pest Control


Ticks stand out from the rest of the pest group in that they are very precise insects. You won’t find a tick scattering as an ant or spider might, they make precise movements with the goal of finding a host body. Depending on the tick, it might have a selective or nonselective diet. Nonselective feeders are generally the ones to watch out for, as they jump from host to host without preference of canine or human, etc. Because of this lack of preference, these ticks spread diseases quicker and to more species, especially humans, which is why Tick Treatment is important; you could be the Host!

Lyme Disease is the most common disease tick spread disease, but they also are capable of spreading Babiosisos (attacks red blood cells and can cause Anemia), Erlichiosious (symptoms can include rash, pink eye, nausea, vomiting, confusion), and Tularemia (apart from other diseases), can be passed by skin contact with an infected body. The symptom to look for is swelling, which is sometimes accompanied by an ulcer; it just depends on how your body came into contact with the disease. Signs of all of these diseases range from flu-like symptoms all the way to fatalities (mostly common in the elderly, those with low immune systems or people struggling with a serious illness).

Research conducted at Ohio State University indicates that transmission of disease organisms (Lyme disease) begins at approximately 24 hours.  The longer the feeding continues the greater the potential for infection.  Other diseases may vary taking either a longer or shorter time for infection transmission. If you find a tick hosting on your pet or a person, suspect a bite, or would like more information on ticks, check out www.tickinfo.com for more information and tips for tick removal from a body.

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